
Sunday 15 November 2020

Gut friendly - antacid - oatmeal applesauce pancakes! ~

Hello people! I'm back with a new recipe!  This one is experimented on myself while I was struggling with severe conditions of GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). I had shivering, weakness, dyspepsia, and a really bad stomach condition! But changes in my diet really helped me recover! Enjoy this gluten free lactose free delicious pancakes! So I am sharing this recipe with you for all you who needs the same like me! 😃✌🏼


• Applesauce (boiled and mashed apples) 1 cup
• Oatmeal flour 1 cup
• Brown sugar 1/4 cup (depending on taste)
• Baking powder (½ tsp)
• Cinnamon powder (1 tsp)
• Vanilla essense (½ tsp)
• Salt qs


Mix the ingredients well until blended. A little water can be added to make the batter to the proper consistency.

Smear ¼ tsp white/olive oil on a non stick pan. Pour out the pancake batter and cook on low heat. This recipe takes a little longer and the pancakes are much softer than other recipes as it doesn't really have a binding ingredient. So please make sure the base is cooked and looks golden before flipping it. Let the other side cook. Serve fresh with sliced apples! 🥞